6th Annual Anderson On Tap Craft Beer, Wine & Spirits Fest
6th Annual Anderson On Tap Craft Beer, Wine & Spirits Fest
Hoppy attended the Anderson On Tap Fest yesterday that was presented by Keg-N-Bottle in collaboration with The City of Anderson and Indiana On Tap. It was great to see the largest crowd of people enjoying themselves at a festival that I’ve seen since the Brewer’s of Indiana Guild Winterfest in 2019! The festival took place at the Dickmann Town Center and the Paramount Theater in downtown Anderson. The four breweries on the stage at the Paramount, for the initial VIP hour, were Dot & Line Brewery and 2 Toms Brewing from Fort Wayne, Tarnished Hollow Brewing from Anderson, and Hog Molly Brewing from Columbus. There were many good beers available at the festival, and two that I found to be both enjoyable and unique were the 2-A-Days Session Lemon IPA from Hog Molly and the Dill Sour from Field Brewing.
Hoppy learned that the much anticipated opening of Goodwood Brewing in Indianapolis will take place on July 5th.
Photos from the event follow.