As you are probably aware, Quaff On Brewing offerings are available at all Big Woods and Hard Truth locations as they are all part of the same company. Hoppy paid his first visit to the Indy Garage Food Hall location of Hard Truth Distilling on Saturday.
While there he quaffed a QTFO! IPA. It is described as having a solid malt backbone with a hop punch and aroma that follows through to the palate. It is 6.5% ABV, 75 IBU.
Hard Truth – GarageHard Truth – GarageHard Truth – GarageHard Truth – GarageDraft List
Bad Dad Brewing was highlighted today on Fox 59 for their innovative billboards and marketing. You can check it out here.
From Bad Dad Brewing Co. Facebook Page
They will be hosting a Bad Dad Day this Saturday, June 18th, from 4-10 pm, at their brewery in Fairmount. There will be axe throwing cages (5pm-7pm) with Anarchy Axe Throwing, live music with Wilder Kind, and vendors selling cigars, beef jerky and beard products! They will be giving away some prizes and crowning the 2022 Bad Dad of the Year!
Hoppy’s visit to Bad Dad, last year, can be seen here.
Yesterday Hoppy visited Four Day Ray Brewing in Fishers. Their name recalls their Nickel Plate District heritage drawn from the nickname of a railroad employee who continually called off work one day per week.
While there, Hoppy drank a flight of four beers that included the following:
Strawberry Lemonade Blonde which is described as having soft aromas and flavors of strawberries and cream with lemon citrus. The slightly tart finish is dry and refreshing. 4.5% ABV, 8 IBU.
Fishin For Hopliments, a Pale Ale brewed with Mackinac hops from Crazy Horse. It is fermented cold like a lager but hopped like a pale ale. It is bursting with pineapple and orange juice flavor and aroma. 5.4% ABV, 35 IBU.
Monks Blood Belgian Dubbel with dark fruit and grape nut aroma with hints of toffee, pleasant clove and esters with fruitiness in the finish. 7.2% ABV.
Monks Tears Belgian Quadrupel has an earthy aroma of spice, dark fruit and caramel. The flavor starts off with a caramel sweetness followed by fruity date characteristics and finishes with fresh plum as you exhale. 10.5% ABV.
Artwork in EntrywayExteriorSignageExteriorExteriorExteriorNo it Doesn’t Stand For theName Of aFormer President, but the Name of the Brewery!Outdoor SeatingOutdoor SeatingBreweryBrewery & SeatingTaps & Merchandise in Brewery AreaBrewery Area SeatingDraft ListHoppy’s Flight Listed from Right to LeftPrinted Beer Menu with DescriptionLook for Hoppy!Taproom SeatingTaproom Seating & Wall DecorMain BarTap HandlesTaproom with View of Outdoor SeatingTaproom from StairwellUpstairs Bar
Hoppy’s last visit of June 4th took place at Bare Hands Brewery in Granger. He’s a fan of their year round beers, the Westy IPA, and thai.p.a., but on this day he went for higher octane brews. This included a glass of A Ton Load Citra described as a single hopped hazy DIPA. A simple grain bill of American 2-row Barley, White Wheat and Oats combine with premium honey and Vermont Ale Yeast to create a clean, soft base to showcase the selected hop. A ton of hops were added during whirlpool, and loads more for a dry hop to display its unique qualities. It is 8% ABV, 50 IBU.
Hoppy also sampled a Honey Badger DIPA, stated as fearless enough to raid a bee hive to fill itself with luscious honey backed by American malts and the elusive Citra hop. Pungent hop flavor and aroma are balanced by hints of sweet malt and honey and a moderate bitter finish. 10% ABV, 85 IBU.
SignageExterior & Outdoor SeatingEntranceDraft List & TapsTaproomBar, Merchandise & Mug Club GlasswareBar/TaproomBrewery Picture Taken by JakobiStickers at BarHoppy Wishing He Could Get at the Westy!
First, congratulations to the Evil Czech himself, George Pesek, who recently reached the summit of Mt. Everest! Not only did he reach the summit, but he brought along a can of Leprechaun Holy Water, a club soda that is made by Evil Czech Brewery.
While at the Pub in Mishawaka, however, Hoppy opted for something containing alcohol along with, you guessed it, a bunch of hops.
That would be a pint of Evil Czechmunk, a West Coast IPA described as moderately bitter with a medium dry body, a floral nose that mingles with grapefruit, Meyer lemon & slight pine. It is 6.8% ABV, 40 IBU.
He also enjoyed a sample of the Three 6 Hoppia Triple IPA. It is described as a medium bodied assertively hopped triple IPA. It showcases hops grown in the Southern Hemisphere, giving this beer a huge aroma of strawberries, papaya and tropical fruit. It clocks in at 9.6% ABV, 79 IBU.
Exterior Window with ReflectionBrewery & Public HouseSignageOutdoor ArtOutdoor ArtFamily SeatingSeating w/Brewery ViewBreweryTaproom SeatingDecorBarBar Stage AreaBar Stage AreaTap Handles & Beer Flight PaddlesBeers on DraftPrinted Draft ListBar w/Sticker Door. Pivo means beer in Czech.Yes, Hoppy Was Here!Merchandise AreaOutdoor SeatingOutdoor Seating & The Bird Cage Outdoor StageEvil Czech Double Decker Bus
Hoppy visited Studebaker Brewing Company yesterday. It is located in the Studebaker Family Mansion, aka Tippecanoe Place, in South Bend. The original building was completed in 1889 from funds earned by Clement Studebaker as president of the “Largest Wagon Manufacturer in the World.” More information on the mansion can be found here.
The Studebaker Brewing Co., whose slogan is “Hops & History,” opened to the public in October 2018.
While there, Hoppy enjoyed a Milk the Stonks Sweet Milk Stout about which they state, “We like this stonk! Brewed with cocoa nibs and lactose, we’ll hold this stonk with diamond hands as we rocket to the moon!” It is 5% ABV, 21 IBU.
ExteriorEntranceTaproomBarBar Overlooking StaircaseBarDecorMural and SeatingDraft ListMilk the StonksLogo GlassTaps & ND Flag(What does that stand for?) LOLStaircaseExteriorExterior