Hoppy’s last visit on Saturday was at Garfield Brewery. They opened in 2018 and their goal is to bring the best beer possible to the neighborhood on the near south side of Indy in the Garfield Park area.
On the day of the visit, they had an Ice Cream Social which involved them serving ice cream ales and having a hot dog stand!
While there Hoppy sampled a Linders Series Pistachio Ice Cream Ale. It is brewed with lactose and the brewery states that green beer is not just for St. Patty’s Day anymore! 5% ABV, 11 IBU.
He also drank a pint of Baker 57 IPA. This is named for Erwin “Cannon Ball” Baker and his Graham-Page Model 57 Blue Streak 8. He lived across the street from Garfield Park. It is described as an easy-drinking American IPA loaded with American hops befitting of such a racing legend. 6.4% ABV, 57 IBU.
On your next visit, check for Hoppy on the sticker wall.
Pictures follow: