BEERCATION – New York – Finger Lakes Region
This stop on the trip was the Finger Lakes area of NY.

The answer to this question is Ithaca. Hoppy, being thirsty, proceeded to the nearest brewery.

At Ithaca Beer I quaffed a Flower Power IPA, which was named by Food and Wine as one of the most important American craft beers ever brewed. It was 7.2% ABV and 75 IBU.
The next stop on the trip was Hopshire Farm and Brewery in Freeville, NY. Here I enjoyed a flight of beers. These included Beehave, a Honey Ale at 5.2% ABV and 10 IBU, Brambles, a Raspberry Wheat Ale with 4.8% ABV and 20 IBU, Shire Ale, a Scottish Ale clocking in at 7.8% ABV and 30 IBU, Near Varna, an IPA at 7.5 % ABV and 74 IBU and Sympathy, a Belgian Strong Golden Ale with 7.9% ABV and 25 IBU.
Following are images from Hopshire Brewery.

This ends the New York State portion of the trip. From the next picture can you identify the last stop on the Beercation.